Map to Peppertree Clinic:

(1) Turn off State Highway 2 into Barrett Road, just before Whakamarama Shops
(2) At the end of Barrett Road, (400m) turn left.
(3) 300m along Old Highway Road, turn right onto Whakamarama Road
(4) 4.2km up Whakamarama Road, turn right into Ross Road
(5) 1km along on the left is No. 99

Follow the tarsealed driveway almost to the end, and you will see the clinic entrance on the left

* Peppertree Clinic, Tauranga N.Z * Qualified Naturopath & Theratest Analyst * Nature's Sunshine Products * Blackmores Vitamins & Minerals
* MRI CMD Minerals, * Heavy Metal Detox * Homeobotanical & Bach Flower Remedies * Nutritional Advice
Peppertree Clinic 99B Ross Road Whakamarama, Tauranga Phone : (07) 552 4087